Oil and Gas
What we do
Classic Rationale Limited is a major trader in global crude oil markets and crude oil is one of the largest part of our energy portfolio. We also broker where possible to other markets where we cannot reach.
Our teams specialise in Brent CFDs and DFLs, Brent/WTI swaps, Dubai, Urals, Crude options and MOPs.
Where we do it
We trades crude oil globally. We have a presence and on the ground expertise in most crude producing nations, our network extends to Africa, the Middle East and the Far East, as well as North and South America.
We have networks around the world covering everywhere from Peru to Australia. Our local knowledge enables us to have first hand information as it happens and sharing that information, quickly and efficiently.
How we do it
We believe that we offer a competitive advantage because we have the flexibility, speed and logistics expertise that our customers need and expect.
Our experience in the market gives us an advantage as well as our extensive links with all the major crude producers and refineries means that we are able to work with existing and new crude streams in any part of the world. This will help the producer to understand the real value of the crude oil.
Our access to our refinery partners enable us secure slots for short and long term refining needs of the market.